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"I don't go by the rule book. I lead from the heart, not the head."
~Princess Diana

"Decades after her death, Princess Diana remains an international role model. Her passion for helping the less fortunate not only enacted positive change, but also inspired countless people around the world. Her legacy continues to inspire individuals today, bringing about social justice and humanitarian acts of kindness. She was not only an iconic public figure, but a voice for those who were often disregarded and neglected. Her hands-on approach to social activism highlighted the importance of compassion and treating all human beings with respect and dignity. Because of this, her legacy continues to live on in the hearts of many."

This podcast is a teachable tool that can be used in the classroom to educate students on the impact of an individual who worked toward social justice. This project allowed me to collaborate with a colleague to put all of our research into one comprehensive product. Future students can also use this podcast as an example for creating and collaborating on their own educational podcasts with their peers.  


The People's Princess

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